How to Get Rid of Flies: Time to Bid a Permanent Farewell to These Buzzing Pests

How to Get Rid of Flies

get rid of flies

Flies are more than just a buzzing irritation. They are carriers of multiple diseases, disrupting your peace and, most significantly, your health. The sight of them hovering around your home or office is both disconcerting and frustrating. Their persistent presence often indicates a deeper problem requiring immediate attention. But where does one start? 

This guide will help you navigate the problem of dealing with flies, from understanding why they seem attracted to your space to the best ways of getting rid of them and preventive measures to ensure they don't make a comeback. It's time to reclaim the joy of a fly-free environment and bid a permanent farewell to these buzzing pests. It's time for a change: let's get started!

Why Flies are Attracted to Your Home

Before you can effectively combat a fly problem, it's essential to understand what is attracting them to your home in the first place. Flies are drawn to a variety of things, ranging from food sources to ideal breeding grounds. In this section, we will explore the factors that attract flies so you can take the necessary steps to safeguard your home.

Food Sources and Scents

  • Human food, food waste, and spills
  • Rotting fruits and vegetables
  • Decaying matter in garbage bins or compost piles
  • Dirty dishes left out in the open
  • Pet waste and food

Moist and Warm Environments

  • Unkempt kitchens and bathrooms
  • Pet areas with poor hygiene
  • Damp and cluttered spaces (e.g., basements, garages)
  • Standing water, including clogged drains and stagnant puddles

Easy Access Points

  • Open windows and doors without proper screens
  • Cracks in walls, gaps, and crevices around the home
  • Damaged sealing around windows and doors

By identifying and addressing these attractions, you will be one step closer to creating an inhospitable environment for flies and putting an end to their pesky presence in your home.

Identify the Types of Flies You're Dealing With

Identifying the types of flies infesting your home is pivotal in devising the right combat strategies. Different species of flies have unique behavioral patterns and preferred breeding conditions, requiring specific treatment measures.

1. House Flies

Commonly seen in almost all households, house flies are greyish-black and small – averaging about 6 to 7 mm in length. They are primarily attracted to decaying organic matter – a major attraction being the kitchen bin.

2. Fruit Flies

Fruit flies are tiny, usually not more than 3 mm, and are characterized by their red eyes. They gravitate towards ripe, rotting, decayed fruits and vegetables and fermented goods like beer, wine, and cider.

3. Drain Flies

Drain flies, or moth flies, are tiny flies that tend to breed in stagnant water. Watching out for them in your bathroom/kitchen sink can give you clear signs of their infestation.

Knowing the type of fly can help you tailor your methods for the highest efficacy, helping you reclaim your home from these airborne annoyances.

Different Methodologies to Get Rid of Flies

A dual approach can be beneficial in winning the battle against flies at home. Below are two strategies to consider.

1. Natural Methods

Natural remedies are both safe and efficient in deterring flies.

  • Herbs and Plants: Several plants, such as Basil, Lavender, or Lemongrass, naturally repel flies due to their potent aroma. Position these near your home entrances to deter intruders.
  • A mix of Apple Cider Vinegar and Dish Soap: Create a concoction using equal parts of apple cider vinegar and dish soap. Place this mixture in a bowl or jar, sprinkling tablespoon of sugar on top to further entice the flies. The dish soap breaks down and kills the flies, while the vinegar lures them in. If apple cider vinegar is not available, stale beer or wine can be used as an alternative, given their aged scents appeal to flies.
  • Essential Oils: Certain essential oils like Peppermint and Eucalyptus repel flies when regularly diffused in your home.
  • Fly Paper: This offers a simple yet effective means to trap and eliminate houseflies. This dual-sided adhesive paper can be hung where fly activity is common, effectively attracting and trapping pests. Once the strip has served its purpose, effortlessly dispose of it along with the trapped flies. If flies remain, consider hanging a fresh strip periodically until the problem is resolved. By employing this tried-and-true method, you'll be one step closer to creating a fly-free environment at home.

2. Safe Use of Insecticides

In case of persistent fly problems, insecticides can come to your rescue. Commercial fly sprays and strips are readily available and highly effective. However, adhering to the product's safety instructions is crucial, keeping them out of reach of children and pets and ensuring proper ventilation during application.

Preventative Measures to Keep Flies Away

Proactive measures play a significant role in maintaining a fly-free home. Below are some worthwhile strategies:

  • Maintain Cleanliness: Regularly dispose of garbage and avoid leaving food or dirty dishes around. Cleanliness extends to pet areas and their waste, which can attract flies.
  • Proper Food Storage: Pack away overripe fruit, leftover food, and other edibles. Use sealable containers or refrigerate where necessary to avoid attracting flies with food odors.
  • Repair Screens and Seal Cracks: Ensure windows, doors, and other openings are well-sealed or screened to prevent entry of flies.
  • Regulate Indoor Moisture: Fix leaky faucets and maintain dry kitchen sinks and bathroom areas to prevent breeding grounds for flies.
  • Regular Pest Control: Routine pest control can prevent potential infestations before they become a problem, maintaining your home's comfort and hygiene.

By initiating these steps, you create an environment less inviting to flies, upholding a healthier and more comfortable living space.

When to Call Professionals

Identifying a fly problem is reasonably straightforward, but dealing with a severe infestation isn't. Should you find yourself struggling despite your best efforts, it may be time to call in the professionals.

Signs of Severe Fly Infestation:

  • Persistent Presence: Large amounts of flies in your home despite efforts to eliminate them, could indicate a major issue.
  • Frequent Buzzing Noises: Persistent sounds of buzzing should not be ignored. This is often an indicator of a significant fly population within your walls or roof.
  • Egg/Larvae Discovery: Finding clusters of fly eggs, resembling small grains of rice or seeing larvae frequently signals a severe infestation.
  • Increased Fly-Related Disease: Frequent bouts of illness related to fly-borne diseases in your household may suggest a substantial infestation.

Remember, prompt action is necessary when dealing with severe infestations. If you see these signs consistently, seeking professional pest control services is advisable to bring your fly problem efficiently under control.

Available Professional Pest Control Options

Professional exterminators provide effective and efficient solutions for severe infestations. They are well-equipped with commercial insecticides, powerful fogging machines, and in-depth knowledge to control pests. These experts can also identify and address potential breeding sites you might miss and offer tailored strategies to prevent future infestations.

Partner with Cal Coast Pest Management: Your Expert Solution to Fly-Free Living!

Dealing with flies promptly is critically important, not only for maintaining the cleanliness and sanity of your living spaces but also for ensuring the health and well-being of your family. Flies carry diseases and germs that pose health risks, making their effective control a top priority.

Creating and maintaining fly-free homes enhances health and affirms your home as a sanctuary of comfort. When combatting flies gets challenging, turn to skilled professionals like Cal Coast Pest Management. Our dedicated, licensed technicians provide comprehensive fly prevention and eradication solutions tailored to your needs. We deliver not just remediation but also education on preventive measures, empowering you to maintain a fly-free environment. Convenient, efficient, and reliable, let us assist you in reclaiming your household’s tranquility. Reach out to us, and let us guide you on your journey toward a fly-free home.